Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some questions (and answers) to things we get asked a lot.

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Q. How Much Is The Workshop?

 A. $5,450 US (includes the full workshop fee, 4-night hotel accommodations, daily transfers to/from shooting locations, any entry tickets or fees for access, and breakfast each morning at the hotel. It also includes dinner the night before the workshop and the final luncheon at the end of the workshop.

Q. What is The Activity Level?

A. We choose our hotels in a great location with lots of shooting opportunities nearby, but we’ll also take local transport for some of our shoots. We’re out shooting every day (starting at dawn and wrapping up with a sunset shoot), so workshop participants should be in good health, wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and be ready for some short walks and, of course, lots of standing while we’re shooting.

Q. How Should I Dress?

A. We want you to be comfortable, so our dress code is very casual (Your instructors will be in t-shirts, jeans, and a light jacket occasionally). We schedule our workshops when the weather is generally mild, but often it can get a little chilly at night, so bring at least a light jacket or coat. As with any outdoor event, the weather is somewhat unpredictable, and an umbrella is always recommended (hey, ya never know). Comfortable shoes are a must.

Q. What Do I Need To Bring?

A. A DSLR or Mirrorless Camera; a tripod with ballhead; wireless remote or cable release; a wide-angle lens (24mm or wider); a telephoto lens; a neutral density filter (a recommend a 10-stop ND filter, and ideally a 2nd ND filter of 3 or 5 stops) for when we’re shooting long exposures. For the post-processing segments, you’ll need a laptop with either Lightroom or Photoshop (or both). If you need to rent gear, we recommend - also, this gear topic will be covered in more detail in one of the newsletters we send out to workshop participants.

Q. What Is The Double Occupancy Thing?

A. It’s two people to a hotel room (so you have a roommate) unless you take the option of taking the single room upgrade.

Q. What Level of Experience is Required?

A. All levels of experience are welcome, but participants should be familiar with their camera gear and have some experience in either Lightroom or Photoshop. Avoid the urge to rush out and buy a new camera for the workshop because you’ll spend a lot of time just learning to do what you already know how to do with your current camera.

Q. Are there other expenses I will need to cover?

A. Most days, lunch and dinner are on your own. We cover the opening night dinner and closing lunch, but outside of getting back and forth from the airport, we don’t anticipate any additional costs. We pick up those costs if there are fees or tickets for entrances to museums or other locations. Also, we cover local transportation to our shoots (A Motorcoach, Ubers, Taxis, whatever it takes).

Q. Can I Bring My Spouse?

A. Your spouse is welcome to join you at the hotel (the hotel usually charges a small fee for the extra person). They are welcome to join you for breakfast at the hotel, for lunch, during our afternoon siesta, and of course, at dinner on your own (though groups of students usually wind up going to the same restaurant together).

However, we can't have spouses in the classroom or for our on-location shoots because it messes with the group's chemistry. We've tried it, and it changes the group dynamic (and how some of the other participants feel about it) if they're not participating in the workshop. There are lots of fascinating city tours, shopping, and museums to see while we're in class or shooting, and then, of course, there's the long afternoon siesta so they won't be alone all day.

Q. What Are My Transportation Options For Getting To And From The Hotel?

A. In most cases, our hotel will offer an Airport Shuttle to/from for an additional fee, but if we not, we'll let you know the easiest way to reach our home base for the workshop.

Q. What Is The Refund Policy?

A. If you have to cancel the workshop, and we can fill your spot 30 days before the workshop, the entire workshop fee is refundable, minus the fees we are charged by our Merchant Services company, even if you cancel (around $220). If we cannot fill your spot, your workshop fee, minus a $1,000 service fee, will be refunded. No refunds will be available if you cancel within 30 days of the workshop.

Q. What If I Have Questions That Aren’t Answered Here?

You can post a comment below, or you can email Scott directly.